Atom Tags
All numbers are based on a sample of 249638 podcasts.
Atom is a web standard for publishing and syndicating content, similar to RSS. It is supported by some podcast services and can also be integrated into RSS feeds to add additional functionality.
Note: This report is structured to show the requirements of a pure Atom feed. If used as an extension to RSS no tags are not required.
Further information can be found on the W3C Atom Validator.
Channel Tags
Channel Link Usage
Atom links can be used with the rel
attribute to indicate the purpose of the link.
The RSS Board defines the following relations used in the context of RSS feeds:
alternate, enclosure, related, self, via.
Other relations are possible and used by some podcast services.
An exhaustive list of all relations can be found on the IANA website. If you are interested in the full specification of the Atom link element, you can find it in RFC 4287.
The following table shows the usage of the most common rel
attribute for links in the channel.
Relation | % of Podcasts |
self | 105.97% |
hub | 51.58% |
next | 29.85% |
last | 6.16% |
first | 5.72% |
alternate | 0.84% |
search | 0.20% |
payment | 0.14% |
me | 0.11% |
external | 0.07% |
Other | 0.11% |